Don Gosney: The Fat Lady Hasn’t Even Warmed Up Yet

blogimage.jpgAccording to the County Elections Office there were still over 9,000 Richmond ballots yet to be counted. This means that only about 54% of the ballots may have been counted.

While we have no idea whether this will make any real difference, it may affect the outcome for the third seat on the Richmond City Council and may even affect the outcome of the School Board race.  Measure U may be at risk as well.

In a similar election four years ago, between November 10th and November 13th they counted an additional 8,110 ballots.  We did not have ‘final’ results until 11 days after the election.

Victory celebrations may be in order but they may also be premature.

If anyone put money on these races, I hope they held onto their betting slips until the fat lady sings.

By: Don Gosney, Richmond resident

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