First Ever Richmond Anthology of Poetry (RAP) Accepting Submissions Now

Poetry illustration

 Artist Credit Lauren Ari


From the Richmond Arts and Culture Commission:


First Ever Richmond Anthology of Poetry (RAP) Accepting Submissions Now

Richmond, CA — April 13, 2016 — People who live or work in Richmond or have ties to the city are encouraged to submit 1–4 poems for consideration for the first ever Richmond Anthology of Poetry (RAP). Send poems by May 1, 2016for consideration.

The anthology will include many styles and subjects, and the anthology editors are giving special attention to poems about Richmond and life here.

Three cash prizes of $25 will be awarded for outstanding poems. Results will be made public by July, and the anthology will be available in Fall, launching with a book release party.

You don't have to think of yourself as a poet to submit. The anthology seeks poems from anyone with ties to Richmond and strives to include work from all neighborhoods; all ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic identities; and all ages. The editors are also hoping to publish poems in languages other than English. (When submitting work in languages other than English, please try to include a translation into English.)

Poems should be no longer than 50 lines each. All styles of poetry are welcome; however, overtly bigoted writing will be rejected. If you include sexuality, violence or profanity in your work, it should be written about consciously, not just used for shock.

Submit poems online at or email to [email protected].

The Richmond Anthology of Poetry is made possible by a grant from the Richmond Arts and Culture Commission. It is free to submit your poems and there is no reading fee.

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