BREAKING: Chief Magnus Accepts Tucson Police Position
Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus has accepted the position of Chief of Police of Tucson Arizona, a Tucson city spokesperson told a local NBC affiliate on Monday.
Read moreMichele Wells: By the Time #BlackLivesMatter Gets to Arizona
Chief Magnus believes that #BlackLivesMatter. Arizona disagrees. Magnus’ candidacy for the position of Chief of Police for the city of Tucson, Arizona, led to the creation of a memo by the Tucson Police Officers' Association (TPOA). As I read this recent article in Radio Free Richmond, I took interest in TPOA’s assessment of our Chief: “Inconsistent discipline, lack of direction, a promotion process that is based on a non-ranked list selection, follows the political wind, participated in a "Black Lives Matter" protest…” Wait – what was that last one? Participated in a "Black Lives Matter" protest.
Read moreParticipación en el movimiento de Black Lives Matter daña la probabilidad de Magnus como Jefe de Policía en Tucson
Translated by Emmanuel Diaz
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Poco después de ser finalista por la posición de Jefe de Policía en Tucson, Arizona, hay posibilidad que el Jefe de Policía Chris Magnus permanecerá en la ciudad de Richmond.
Read moreJefe de Policía busca nuevos retos en Tucson
To read this article in English, click here.
Read moreRichmond Police Chief Seeks New Challenges in Tucson
Richmond is now nationally celebrated for its community policing tactics —but it wasn’t always this way. In the nearly 10 years since Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus took the job as the city’s lead cop, the homicide rate plummeted and relations between the community and the police department significantly improved.
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