On November 6th we will have a chance to use the full weight of the electoral process to determine who will be the next Governor of California and our representative in the US Senate. There will be numerous state propositions, school board races, a critical race for the 15thAssembly District as well as the State Superintendent of Education.
As important as these are, here in Richmond there is also a critical race being contested for three seats on the Richmond City Council as well as for the Mayor of Richmond.
Radio Free Richmond has extended an offer to all thirteen candidates for the Council and the two candidates for the Mayor’s position to post their own words to let you, the voters, know their positions on what they believe to be the important issues.
The candidates have also been invited to post guest editorials on the issues of importance.
RFR will post a new candidate statement every couple of days.
Fourteen years ago, I purchased my first home and moved to the Hilltop District. Since childhood, I have lived in Richmond and cannot imagine any other place to call home.
From the day I moved into my home, I became involved in my neighborhood, serving as President of the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council since 2003. I recognized long-standing problems, organized my neighbors to find a solution and got things done for our neighborhood.
I want to take this pragmatic approach to the City Council. I believe we must listen to different viewpoints and search for common ground to implement innovative solutions to pressing policy problems.
I also represent a new generation of leaders ready to use my energy and fresh ideas so that all Richmond residents can share in new opportunities. I have the same work ethic as hardworking Richmond families. And what our residents expect is a city – and city council members – that work equally hard for them.
My track record as President of the Hilltop District Neighborhood Council and founder and President of the Hilltop District Homeowners & Stakeholders Association is one of delivering results for my neighborhood and holding the City and our elected officials responsible. For years, Hilltop never saw benefits from the $1 million Special Assessment Fee that residents pay. I helped the neighborhood take control of these fund and we put the money to work to improve our neighborhood.
We finished Vista Del Mar Park that languished in disrepair for 16 years. We installed a Parks Yard for city workers to store equipment locally, saving Richmond $80,000 a year. We got broken street lights fixed and upgraded to energy efficient LED street lights. We paved new ADA compliant sidewalks. And, we helped secure a buyer for Hilltop Mall and are working with the owner to redevelop the mall.
I am an independent candidate, not aligned with any existing political faction or group in Richmond. My commitment to Richmond is to build affordable workforce housing and make sure local residents are hired for this building and other economic development projects. I will work to reduce violence and institute preventative measures to tackle crime long-term. I will promote Richmond as a place to do business, expand economic development, and attract a hospital. Finally, I will work to improve our environment, including access to parks and open space for all residents.
I’m honored to be endorsed by the Sierra Club, the California Democratic Party, Labor, Council Member Jael Myrick and retired Congressman George Miller, and many others.
I want to work with you and build our future together in Richmond. I hope I get to earn your vote.
For more information on my platform, please visit our campaign website at www.CesarZepeda.com
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