Chevron: Chevron Richmond shares plans for a newer, safer, cleaner refinery during Telephone Town Hall

blogimage.jpgRichmond residents had a chance to learn more about the proposed Refinery Modernization Project during Chevron Richmond’s second-ever telephone town hall held last week.


Nearly 4,100 residents participated in the telephone town hall concerning the $1 billion-dollar investment to create a newer, safer, cleaner Richmond Refinery. A recently released draft environmental impact report describes how modernization will protect the environment, enhance safety and create 1,000 local construction jobs.

The Modernization Project replaces some of the refinery’s oldest processing equipment with more modern technology that is inherently safer and meets the nation’s toughest air quality standards. 

It will replace the existing 1960s hydrogen plant with a modern plant that is 20 percent more energy efficient and produces higher-quality hydrogen. The project also provides flexibility to refine crude oil blends and gas oils with higher sulfur content while meeting strict environmental regulations.

Modernization enhances the safety of the refinery – adding equipment with improved resistance to corrosion, independent safety inspections and annual reporting to refinery workers and the community.

During the town hall, a Chevron modernization expert reminded residents that modernization will not enable the refinery to receive crude oil by rail. The refinery receives all of its crude oil via ship.

The telephone town hall was an important opportunity for Richmond residents to ask questions and provide input on the project.  After the discussion, 78 percent of participants said they were supportive of our plans to modernize the refinery.

Hosting public forums and telephone town halls is all part of our commitment to an open and transparent process. We encourage residents to find out more and express their opinions on this important project. The City of Richmond is hosting a public comment hearing at the April 17 meeting of the Planning Commission. Details are available here

Click here to listen to a complete recording of the telephone town hall. To learn more about modernization and find out how it will create a newer, safer, cleaner refinery that’s better for this community, visit our website

For more information, please call our 24-Hour Community Line at 510-242-2000 or email us at [email protected].

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Download the Project Summary

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Environmental Impact Report

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