Contra Costa Times Letter to the Editor: Billboards touting the Chevron logo

blogimage.jpgRe-posted from the Contra Costa Times: You've seen them: Giant billboards with Chevron logos and flowing landscapes and Rosie the Riveter. Taking a page from Taco Bell hot sauce packets, the petrochemical giant has brought a cynical humor to Richmond.


Chevron Corp., most notable for the refinery fire that sent 15,000 residents to the hospital, probably polled and found that a civic pride campaign might affect likely voters' perceptions of the Chevron brand so that it doesn't inadvertently hurt the very representatives they are trying to elect to not regulate them.

Ironically, Chevron gives not give one dime to the Rosie the Riveter Foundation or any shoreline effort that I am aware of. It takes a special kind of indifference to be that far out of touch.

The billboards will give way to new ones about electing Nat Bates and Corky Booze. And you can be sure that these Chevron logos will be as hard to notice as their ads will be hard to escape.

Jeff Shoji

Richmond Shoji is a member of Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin's staff.

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