On November 6th we will have a chance to use the full weight of the electoral process to determine who will be the next Governor of California and our representative in the US Senate. There will be numerous state propositions, school board races, a critical race for the 15thAssembly District as well as the State Superintendent of Education.
As important as these are, here in Richmond there is also a critical race being contested for three seats on the Richmond City Council as well as for the Mayor of Richmond.
Radio Free Richmond has extended an offer to all thirteen candidates for the Council and the two candidates for the Mayor’s position to post their own words to let you, the voters, know their positions on what they believe to be the important issues.
The candidates have also been invited to post guest editorials on the issues of importance.
RFR will post a new candidate statement every couple of days.
Hello Richmond!
I am Eleanor Thompson, the most experienced and senior candidate for Richmond City Council. Here I will give a snapshot of my over 50 years of experience and work in the City of Richmond.
—I’ve worked as a substitute teacher with the West Contra Costa Unified School District.
—I’ve served on the City of Richmond Police Commissioner Board
—I was a resident of Central Richmond for over 30 years and served as President of the Iron Triangle Neighborhood Council.
—For 5 years, I served as a member of the Anti-Drug Task Force for the City of Richmond.
—I was elected by over 9,000 Richmond residents to serve as a district representative for the West County Democratic Party at the county level.
Today, our streets are safer because of the community work I contributed to in the 90s with former Police Chief William Lansdowne. Together with the community we set up community policing policies. I have been honored by many organizations and the Honorable Mayor Rose Mary Corbin for my work in the community with the youth. I was presented the citizen of the year award. More recently, I was honored by Honorable Mayor Gayle McLaughlin with a Proclamation for my work in the community. I was also presented the 2014 Honorable Judge George Carroll Community Service Award.
I am running for Richmond City Council because I have the experience to work with residents, and other leaders of Richmond to create jobs, create solutions to our housing and homeless crisis, fight crime and together make a difference. I want to provide support for our seniors and youth. I want to provide seniors with support through transportation and activities. I’m working on programs to help Richmond youth get jobs, vocational training, and high school diplomas. I believe jobs, and educational opportunities for our young people will lower the crime in our city. We also must work with our school district to make our schools better.
Today, I ask for your support to continue to serve you! We need people with experience on the Richmond City Council who have been in the trenches with the people. I’ve been fighting for Richmond Residents over 50 years. I am your candidate and together we can make a difference!
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