Getting to Know The Candidates ~ Buffy Wicks

Don Gosney

Buffy_RFR-2.jpgNovember 6this right around the corner and while, for some people, it will be just another Tuesday, it’s a critical date in that many of your neighbors will be heading to the polls to elect a new Governor, maybe some City Council and School Board members and…a new member of the State Assembly representing the 15thAssembly District stretching from North Oakland to Hercules.


We’ll all be getting the mailers with the brief thoughts on an issue or two.  Maybe we’ll have a chance to see first hand a candidate forum. Or maybe we’ll learn what we need to know from the always reliable and unbiased Facebook posts.

Radio Free Richmond attempts to provide more information directly from the candidates.  In addition to our “In Their Own Words” series offered to ALL of the local candidates, we post YouTube links to the candidate forums and other events where you can hear the candidates speaking and interacting with members of the community.

We have two candidates for the 15thAssembly District.  We’ve reached out to both of them with offers to use our site to get their message out.

In addition, we have links below where you can watch one of them in the comfort of your own living room. Buffy Wicks recently went to a house party here in Richmond.  The video is broken into three parts with the introductions of the attendees along with comments on issues weighing on their minds; the speech; and then Questions and Answers.

Buffy also opened up her West County Field Office at 11795 San Pablo Ave

(just north of the Del Norte BART Station).  The last link is a video of this opening.

Buffy Wicks ~ Clark House Party ~ The Introductions

Buffy Wicks ~ Clark House Party ~ The Speech

Buffy Wicks ~ Clark House Party ~ Q&A

Buffy Wicks ~ Field Office Opening


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