In hope that I may bring clarity to a sick situation: I am accused of being a bully by Ms. Jovanka Beckles as she misstated events in the Richmond Council chambers after the meeting ended. As she showed her disdain to Jim Rogers because he didn't vote as she wanted, I laughed, and she started to berate me.
SHE attacked me as I was talking to Councilmen Bates, Booze, Pam Bilbo, and Jackie Thompson. She called me a few names that I won't repeat, but you can hear her own words. I must direct you to see the video posted on my Facebook page. This LADY stated how she felt about Black people, Crackers, calls people NAZI's, and other politically incorrect manners. There are many things I could say, but this is typical of the Richmond Progressive Alliance. She can stand on her record for doing absolutely nothing for those that elected her; she has only represented those supported by the Mayor. She votes when she gets approval from the lady that sits next to her (Mayor Gayle McLaughlin). Please see for yourself how she feels about those who elected her on Facebook (Kenneth Davis, Richmond, CA) on this third Tuesday. Remember these are her own words. She decided to be a DRAMA QUEEN when she called police. She was never in tears as stated. I was the one being ATTACKED.
By now this city has seen the character of Ms. Jovanka Beckles as she verbally attacked me after the last Council meeting concluded. There have been many false statements from her. Let me tell you this, she told me to video the footage that is posted on my Facebook page, she knew this and continued to ATTACK ME. I have NEVER made any statement about her except about her and Mayor Gayle McLaughlins' legislative tactics, nor have I ever attacked her sexuality. Remember how I supported her and put her in office? I don't care about her personal preferences. Please understand folks, there are gay members in my family, I surely don't hate them. I am incensed that she can have an opinion that I disagree with, but I am denied my constitutional guarantees. This is MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT. She tries to say that people are against her anytime I get to the podium, to speak in dissent. She and the Mayor find ways to put me out, say that we are using disruptive language and use an excuse. Hmmmm. This latest fiasco to remove anyone from the Council has been drafted so that she can keep myself, Mark Wassberg, Rev. Wesley Ellis, and a few others out. She shows how she feels about all of us. Enough of that, I hope you now understand. Listen Richmond: she has already done enough damage. If I wished, I could SUE THE CITY FOR MILLIONS BECAUSE OF HER. And the Mayor.. those of you with legal training know what I'm talking about. It's about time someone advised her (can't be the Mayor because her leadership is also in question). It makes no sense to argue, listen to her own words. QUESTION....... WHERE IS THE RICHMOND PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE?? What is their position???? WHERE AND WHAT IS THEIR Mayoral CANDIDATE AND HIS STAND ON THIS ATTITUDE OF THE RPA'S POSTER CHILD??? I know what I am saying because I am the Former FACILITATOR of the Richmond Progressive Alliance. It's time to take a stand. I am waiting to hear from the mayor. Does she wish to hear Nat Bates or Corky Booze speak? Never. Please notice for yourselves. One more thing, Jael Myrick watch out these people are users.
Kenneth Davis
Richmond resident
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