Don Gosney


On Tuesday the 6th of October, 2020, the Iron Triangle, Santa Fe, Coronado, Shields-Reid, North & East, and Parchester Village Neighborhood Councils and the North Richmond MAC sponsored a candidate forum to hear how the three West Contra Costa Unified School District Ward 2 Board of Education candidates—Otheree Christian, Lupe Enllana and Golddie Williams—responded to a set of questions from members of the community.

Following the school board forum, another forum was hosted to hear how the two Richmond City Council District 1 candidates—Eleanor Thompson and Melvin Willis—to learn how the candidates responded to a set of community solicited questions.  While both candidates were invited to attend and participate, the hosts experienced a problem confirming Melvin Willis’ participation.  There was a scheduling conflict between the forum and the City Council meeting that Councilmember Willis was supposed to attend and although he told the hosts on Sunday about this conflict, he had confirmed the date more than a month earlier.  Willis signed in before the forum but the hosts chose to stick to their established rules.

10.06.20 Iron Triangle WCCUSD Area 2 Candidate Forum




10.06.20 Iron Triangle Richmond City Council District 1 Candidate Forum



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  • Don Gosney
    published this page in News 2020-10-07 10:10:07 -0700
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