Mayor Butt: A few changes to City Council meeting procedures

blogimage.jpgI intend to make a few minor procedural changes that I hope you will support. Comments are welcome.

·        First of all, do not address me as “madam mayor.” 
·        I will be asking a different council member each meeting to lead the pledge to the flag.
·        For presentations, I will ask the person placing the item on the agenda to make the presentation, rather than the mayor. If the item as placed by staff, I will select one or more council members to make the presentation. Please try to minimize the time use for presentations.
·        I will routinely be asking other council members to represent the City at various events instead of doing them all myself.
·        I will do my best to recognize council members to speak in the order they request, but between flaws in the Granicus software and other unintended errors, there will be mistakes. If you are passed over, please just wave your hand to get my attention and do not take it as a personal affront.
·        Please try to be succinct and do not feel compelled to speak if you don’t have something important to say. You do not have to explain every vote.
·        Please help me maintain civility and respect in the audience. If we can get off on the right foot, it will pay off for all of us.
·        I would like to encourage less applause from the audience, but I know how the Council feels about this and do not intend to make a big deal out of it. Most City Councils do not allow or encourage applause. Concord, for example, asks people to wave their fingers, the American Sign Language symbol for applause (see below).

Other suggestions are welcome.


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