The West County Times published an article by Theresa Harrington on Sunday 8/17/14 regarding the West Contra Costa Unified School District bond and school construction program. The article contained many misleading statements and unfair assertions which leave the reader skeptical and suspicious of our program which we feel we need to address. We invite the Times editorial staff and writers to meet with us to become better informed about our bond program.
The following are the facts regarding our highly successful program – one that the voters, community members, staff, teachers and – most of all – students can be proud of.
How we managed our funds:
- The District received $240 Million in state matching money – one of the highest returns in the state
- We exited State receivership – 6 years early on 7/1/12
- We improved the scores from our financial rating agencies from A- to A+ (reducing interest rates and our bonds no longer need to be insured)
- In personal terms, the interest rate on our financing equates to a 2-1/2% annual interest rate on a 30 year loan
- Crowe & Horwath LLP - District bond financial auditor states: “West Contra Costa Unified School District complied, in all material respects, with the state laws and regulations … nothing came to our attention to indicate that West Contra Costa Unified School District had not complied with the state laws and regulations.” (Independent Auditor’s Report on Compliance with State Laws and Regulations – 12/12/13) (emphasis added)
- Our last refunding/refinance effort reduced financing rates on the bonds by 11% - saving the District taxpayers $10 Million (industry standard and average refunding savings is 3% - thus we far surpassed industry standards)
- All financial and performance audits are available on line
- Total repayment on all outstanding bonds is “2 to 1” (much less than industry standard which is a repayment of “4 to 1”)
- We are in total compliance with Prop 39 guidelines and have never exceeded tax rate limitations in the 15 year history of our program
- We operate on conservative assumptions regarding financial market conditions and believe we can complete all projects in our pipeline over the next decade
- All schools are built to the same board-adopted standards – costs fluctuate due to financial and construction market conditions
In Santa Clara they spent $1.2 Billion to build a football stadium for the San Francisco 49ers -- in West Contra Costa Unified here’s how we spent your $1.2 Billion for you:
36 renovated or rebuilt schools:
- Complete rebuild of DeAnza and El Cerrito High Schools
- Major upgrades to: Kennedy High School and Richmond High School
- Complete rebuild of Pinole Valley High School (in process)
- 4 completely rebuilt middle schools: DeJean/Richmond, Pinole Middle/Pinole, Helms/San Pablo and Korematsu/El Cerrito (in process)
New Continuation and Charter School (shared campus) (in process)
- Hercules – 2 new elementary schools:
- Lupine Hills (rebuild)
- Ohlone (rebuild)
- Pinole – 2 elementary schools:
- Stewart K-8 (renovation)
- Ellerhorst (renovation)
- Unincorporated Areas:
- Tara Hills - Remodel of
- Tara Hills Elementary (remodel)
- Montalvin Elementary (remodel and new building),
- Kensington Elementary (remodel and new building),
- North Richmond - Verde Elementary (new building and remodel)
- Tara Hills - Remodel of
- San Pablo – 4 elementary schools:
- Bayview – renovation and new building
- Dover – new school
- Downer – new school
- Riverside – major renovation
- Richmond – 11 elementary schools:
- Murphy – major renovation
- Sheldon – major renovation
- Valley View – new school (in process)
- Ford Elementary - new school
- Washington Elementary (major renovation)
- Peres (major renovation including state-of-the-art dental clinic)
- Lincoln (major renovation)
- Nystrom – new school (kept historical shell) (in process)
- Coronado – new school (in process)
- King – new school
- Mira Visa K-8 - renovation
- El Cerrito – 2 elementary schools:
- Madera (renovation)
- Harding (renovation)
- $35 Million for technology district-wide
We take great pride in our bond program and, as your school trustees, are committed to manage the program efficiently and with the utmost transparency so that voters and community members can have confidence in the school board. Moreover, our board meets annually – and sometimes twice a year – with the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee.
We don’t believe the recent defeat of Measure H is a sign that the public has revolted against the program. Please remember that in 2003 a bond measure was defeated and we also have lost four parcel tax elections. In each case we were able to subsequently succeed in convincing the voters to support us again.
The Times article is an inflammatory hatchet job on a program that is well respected by those in the industry. We cannot stand idly by and permit this mischaracterization to dominate the narrative regarding this program which is dramatically improving the lives of thousands of our students and enhancing all our neighborhoods.
Thank you for taking the time to read this response and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Charles Ramsey – 510-682-5600
WCCUSD School Board President and Facilities Subcommittee Member
Madeline Kronenberg – 510-334-9646
WCCUSD School Board Member and Facilities Subcommittee Chair
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