Moody Underpass Reopens Following Delay


After 22 months of closure, the Brad Moody Underpass was partially opened on Thursday, July 2, relieving frustrated residents and business owners who had spent nearly two years with limited road access. 

During construction of the underpass, Marina Bay Parkway was closed to the people living in the Marina, to those wanting to access the Bay Trail and many parks in the Marina, and to the several businesses who rely on their customers being able to get to those businesses.

While much work remains to be completed, the two opened lanes are a welcome respite to the people who need this route to get to their homes, to recreate, and to frequent the businesses that have suffered so much because of the lack of access.  They now know, too, that if emergency vehicles need to get through, they won’t be stopped or slowed by trains or detours.

The opening of the underpass was a bittersweet occasion for the Richmond Police Department.  The underpass is named for RPD Officer Brad Moody, who lost his life at the location of the underpass while responding to a call for help.  Officer Moody's family, escorted by a short RPD motorcade, were the first to drive through the reopened underpass on Thursday.

One lane will remain open in each direction until the project's scheduled completion in September.

The project was originally scheduled to last only 18 months from start to finish, so the lengthy delays prompted frustrations and concerns.  Nonetheless, having the underpass opened for use has also made many people happy to the point where they may keep their complaints to themselves.

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