Don Gosney

The Contra Costa County Elections Division has updated their results from the March 3rdPresidential Primary election.Report_4A_RFR.jpg

The Democratic Presidential election results are, of course, of critical importance but a few downballot issues are important to the people in West County.

With 30,500 ballots left to be counted (countywide), Joe Biden still holds the lead in the 11thCongressional District with an update expected later on Friday evening.

Measure R—the $575 WCCUSD School Bond measure—still holds a 1,260 vote lead (57.3% when 55% is required for passage).

From the Elections web site:

Below are the estimated number of ballots that remain to be counted as of March 13.

500 ~ Other

29,200 ~ Provisional

800 ~ Conditional Voter Registration

30,500 ~ Total Estimate 

Manual Tally

Beginning Monday, March 16 we will conduct a manual audit of ballots cast in the March 3rd Presidential Primary. The Public is invited to observe the count.

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