Preying on the Weak ~ Chapter 5 (Clarifications)

Don Gosney


A series of articles were posted over the past few days delineating the resolution put before the Richmond City Council on Tuesday night (10/22/19).

The resolution was approved not because the Council agreed with the arguments that Attorney Rafferty claimed in his Threat Letter.

[5-Yes   1-No (Martinez)   1-Abstain (Willis)]

The cost to challenge Attorney Rafferty was simply too high for a fiscally depleted city to take on.


Attorney Rafferty included in his Threat Letter a position paper put out by the Richmond Progressive Alliance (RPA) in 2004.

According to Mike Parker with the RPA, that position is not entirely accurate today.  He has provided a more current position paper that clarifies the RPA position.

He has also clarified that the designation for Councilmember Jovanka Beckles is not entirely accurate.  A corrected list can be found here.

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