Richmond Career Fair

Don Gosney

Sometimes it seems like the world is falling down all around us.  It’s too late to file for the Presidency and writing code for Google just doesn’t ring your bell.  So what are you going to do?


Well, guess what—there are a LOT of career opportunities available but maybe you’re unaware of them.

The Hilltop/Fairmede Neighborhood Council is putting on a career fair this Saturday at the Hilltop Community Church from 10 AM til 2 PM.

The church is located at 3118 Shane Drive in Richmond due south of Walmart at the Shops at Hilltop.

You can expect to see representatives from numerous Building Trades unions, military recruiters, public utility providers (BART/AC Transit/Republic Services, West County Wastewater and numerous others).  Other career providers will be there to answer questions and point you in the right direction.

Bring the family—everyone is welcome.  Male/Female, old/young, highly educated or a HS graduate—everyone is welcome.

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