Richmond Police Department: Some changes at the senior command level

blogimage.jpgGreetings Neighbors:

As we enter into March, we wanted to let you know about a few changes that will occur at the senor command level of RPD, and what it means for neighbors and community partners.

As many of you know, we operate at the Police Department within what is called a “chain of command”. The patrol/ administration chain is as follows:

  • ·          Beat Officers (Detectives in Investigations are still officers.)
  • ·         Sergeants – First line supervisors of beat officers
  • ·         Lieutenants (Watch Commanders, ranking commanders that supervise sergeants, and conduct various functions within the department for the captains.)
  • ·         Captains
  • ·         Deputy Chiefs – There are two deputy chiefs that help supervise Patrol and Administration.
  • ·         Chief of Police

We also have civilian employees and professional staff who fall under the chain of command. Many of you have developed strong relationships with your district captains, and the other command staff. 

Below is some information on the changes. 

As of March 1st

  • ·         Deputy Chief Allwyn Brown will transfer from the Patrol Division to Administration.
  • ·         Deputy Chief Edwin Medina will transfer from Administration Division  to Patrol.

District Assignments

  • ·         Captain Manjit Sappal will transfer from the Northern District to the Southern District Commander. He can be reached at [email protected]
  • ·         Captain Bisa French will transfer from the Central District to the Northern District Commander. She can be reached at [email protected]
  • ·         Captain Anthony Williams will transfer from Administration to the Central District Commander. He can be reached at [email protected]
  • ·         Captain Mark Gagan will transfer from the Southern District to Administration. He can be reached at [email protected]

The senior command structure hasn’t changed in several years. We know change isn’t easy especially when you develop a relationship with someone. We hope you continue to maintain your relationships with the prior commanders, and your beat officers. (Beat officers are NOT changing).

The reconfigured command staff is very excited to work with you and get involved in the new assignments. They all have different styles and experiences, but they are a strong team. We think you will enjoy working with them. We’ve attached an e-mail for each commander for you to get acquainted. Please share this update with your neighbors and partners.

If you have questions, please let us know! [email protected]

In partnership,

Michelle Milam

Crime Prevention Manager 

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