On November 6th we will have a chance to use the full weight of the electoral process to determine who will be the next Governor of California and our representative in the US Senate. There will be numerous state propositions, a race to serve in the State Assembly, three positions on the Richmond City Council, the Richmond Mayoral race as well as the State Superintendent of Education.
As important as these are, here in West County there is also a critical race being contested for three seats on the West Contra Costa Unified School District’s Board of Education.
Radio Free Richmond has extended an offer to all eleven candidates for the Board to post their own words to let you, the voters, know their positions on what they believe to be the important issues.
The candidates have also been invited to post guest editorials on the issues of importance.
RFR will post a new candidate statement every couple of days.
My name is Vanessa Calloway. I am a Champion for students. I am a Champion for all families. I am a Champion for employees. I want to assist in leveling the playing field, to the extent that ALL our students receive a high quality education, regardless of their economic status. I want to discuss bringing music and art back into schools. I was a student at Stege Elementary and learned to play the clarinet. Growing up with music was an outlet that provided relief and happiness. I would like to reevaluate the IEP process and how we can make this a more viable resource. I believe teachers need more support, as well as coaching. We must equip our teachers so that they give the absolute best to our students. I am pro quality education. Education is not a one size fits all, and our teachers need to have power to choose from their tool box methods that will work for the children in their classrooms. Let’s reinvest money back into arts and music and nutrition. We have to stop out-sourcing our problems and begin to invest within our district, by partnering with nonprofits.
I have worked with youth and young adults for over 20 years. My experience with children includes owning an in-home family day care, working in West Contra Costa Unified School District in a variety of capacities, working for the YMCA of the East Bay as an Associate Program Manager for after school programs in WCCUSD and working for Partnership for Children & Youth as Administrative Coordinator. I am currently a Resident Service Coordinator for two low income housing properties, in Richmond California. I currently sit on the LEAP (Literacy for Every Adult Programs) Advisory Board and I am on the HousED steering committee. HousEd is a network that is working to bridge the gap with schools and housing communities.
I support Project Labor Agreements, and all unions, as I come from a family of Union workers. I support Common Core and Learning communities. I support a strong Professional Development that is relatable to the population we serve. I support rigorist, duo language, college prep or vocational education with a life skills component, and lower class sizes. I believe we can close the Achievement Gap with UNIVERSAL PRE-SCHOOL, LCFF FUNDING, COMMUNITY SCHOOLS, SUPPORTIVE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS, RTI, RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, CULTURAL COMPENTENCE, IMPLICIT BIAS training for all classroom personnel, recruitment and retainment of Black and Brown teachers with an emphasis of BLACK males. I support looking at Special Education students being placed in LEAST RESTRICTIVE environment, and INCLUSION classroom settings. I want to help fight for the necessary appropriate funding from the FEDS to properly fund this mandated, requirement that we have never received.
I would love to be chosen to represent such a great group of community members. Please remember Vanessa A. Calloway on November 6th, 2018. I want each of you to not only feel empowered but to be empowered!!! I don’t just want to hear your voice, I’m ready to work with you and for you. You have a voice that matters. I can be reached at 510-827-9859 or by email at [email protected].
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